Building Design Design Design-Decorate

What Aspects to Take Into Account When Designing and Building an Office?


When considering the design and construction of an office, either because the company has grown or is just starting out, there are 5 aspects that you cannot ignore. These points should be the answer to the following questions: How much can I spend? What spaces do I need? How could I adapt to change? What technological need would there be today and in the future? What is the image I want to convey? ?

Budget of your Office

We must have well defined how much we can spend. The idea of ​​an office is to have the space to be able to do our work in the most efficient way and to be able to generate more. It is an investment! And like any investment, we must think about the time and form that we will recover that money. A small project with a lot of detail is better than a very ambitious one that remains half done.

Office Layout

It is important to think about the way of working, if there are hierarchies, open spaces, spaces for distraction, views, private spaces, etc. The distribution is not only drawing private areas and desk areas, but also thinking about the day-to-day functioning and coexistence of all those involved.

Office Adaptability

The world of offices changes very quickly, from organization and hierarchies to technology and location. The layout of an office 20 years ago is not the same as it was 10 years ago and definitely not the same as it is today. The amount of paper has been reduced, computers are now portable, tablets and cell phones solve things remotely, video conferences reduce the need for meeting rooms, etc. It is important to maintain a configuration that allows for changes and adaptation to new trends.

Connectivity within the Office

There is a whole world of facilities. In matters of security, access control, cameras, fire systems. Operations, internet connections, switch, internal communication, servers, electrical contacts, and projection in meeting rooms. Of comfort, air conditioning, electric shutters, background music. Nowadays technology plays a big part of office design.

Office finishes

The image of a company says a lot. From the reception, the corridors, the meeting rooms and the private ones. It is important to maintain consistency in tones, quality and image. The finishes must go according to the line of business and the need. A young technology company, an investment fund or a construction company is not the same. The first should reflect creativity, dynamism and be up to date with trends. The second should reflect stability, economic power and confidence. The third should reflect experience, security and control.

At UNIT , we have had the opportunity to work making offices of different types. Entire floors in an office building, new construction or even renovation of a previous use. If you have a project at the door, send us a message for more information!

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